Advice Concerning Leasing A Copier In Pittsburgh

Is Leasing A Pittsburgh Copier Always A Bad Idea? Read, Then Decide!

To lease or not lease? Is that the question? If you’re scratching your head over a Pittsburgh copier lease and can’t decide, read on and consider the following information. If you’re starting a business, for example, and you’re doing well, then leasing may be a great option for your Pittsburgh copier in terms of cash flow because you don’t have to fork over as much money right off the bat. You can get your feet under you and print for fairly cheap, or spend loads of your business capital in a big upfront purchase.

Leasing allows spreading the pain of printing over many months, and usually includes a good service contract on Pittsburgh copiers. The downside however are all the hidden loopholes that Pittsburgh copier reps may use to get you to spend thousands more over the life of the lease.

The shorter your lease the sooner you have the option to see if it is sucking your profits and allows you to negotiate better prices. Reading the lease VERY carefully and doing some of your own math can save you bundles on a Pittsburgh copier especially.